Week 11- Importance of Facebook Ad's

Facebook has recently changed their name to meta but that has not slowed them down in the advertising market. Facebook is very similar to Google ads as it targets keywords. They are focusing on putting products and things that they like on the user's page to advertise something completely random they are now putting things of interest.  Facebook keeps a close eye on the people you interact with and follow online so that they begin to get a sense of what it is you like. The ages we see on Facebook are slightly older than our other ones with other advertising sites as researchers state that males between 24 and 35 are the main ones on Facebook. You can see on places like Facebook market how a lot of the time you'll see more things you like that are simply based on Facebook keeping track of what you've searched before and giving you things that you might like. Another disadvantage is if your ad begins to bother the consumer from seeing it so much they can simply choose the option to hide the ad as well as remove it completely from their page. One advantage we see is that a lot of small businesses that are on there it helps them create more business for their brand as the audience on Facebook is so big that they are able to reach a large amount of people

In the end, Facebook is an overall great place to begin creating your brand awareness as long are you targeting an older demographic if you are looking for a younger one it would be best to look on other platforms Introduction to Facebook Advertising


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