Week 5- Importance in brand image.

 In today's day and age whether we like it or not people always tend to judge you right away based on your first impression. When looking for a job, how you carry yourself online can significantly impact whether a company brings you on board within their company. Often times many companies feel that the people they hire are a representation of the company. Your online image is used as a pre-evaluation they often wanna see what it is you're posting and to know if you are right for their company image. Oftentimes times when companies bring people who don't always fit what they're looking for it begins to have a negative impact on everyone not just the company. When building an online brand it is important you are constantly updating with relevant information about yourself. Also when posting online it is important you don't post things online that you wouldn't want potential employers to look at. Often times people think that recruiters aren't looking at social media but they are looking to see what it is you're posting. By building a strong online brand image you begin to separate yourself from your peers who are actively looking and competing for the same jobs. When creating a strong online image you begin to open more doors for yourself as well as people and companies see you take what you do seriously. Online Branding Services


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