Week 6- Skills to help you learn everything

 As we tend to get older we often get stuck in a lot of our ways and are often shy or scared to try new things. The fact of the matter is no matter your age you are never too old to learn how to do anything. As the world continues to evolve so do you as a person as every day you are discovering new things about simply anything! Sometimes we see someone do something and we naturally think it simply just comes to them but often times to perfect a certain skill they often put in hours and hours on end of practice. The fact of the matter is that oftentimes we only learn as much as we want. In some instances, we have certain people who are simply excelling in certain skills but it would be due to the environment they are around. Research from the article "New cognition research shows gaining knowledge and achieving mastery comes down to the rule of 7" shows that people who continue to apply themselves and continue to try to get better at something ultimately do. The research shows that you essentially have to think about everything step by step to its simplest form. Many times as long as you continue to invest in yourself you are making progress because you are putting forth your best effort to continue to learn. So no matter your age continue to apply yourself to learn that skill you want to learn because you only don't make progress if you don't try as long as you continue at it every day it eventually all comes together. What is cognitive reserve? - Harvard Health


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