Week 7- How to promote your business on Social Media.

 In today's day and age, we are constantly using social media it has become a part of our lives. As many before would wake up and read the newspaper many of us do the same now only we're not reading the newspaper we are just our social media apps for our news now. A lot of today's world is using Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, etc every single day so the question many business owners have is how they go about promoting their business online. Since a lot of people are spending a good amount of their day on apps like that they are usually the perfect place to promote your business. Generally, many businesses will promote their business by posting it on a social media account specifically made for it. What a lot of places will do is they'll run giveaways and have the app users repost what they posted in order to enter the giveaway. By doing this a lot of businesses are creating engagement with their business account because by having your current followers repost your post that allows their followers to look at what it is you are offering within your business. You begin to gain followers that you originally wouldn't reach. The businesses with the most success online are the ones that are able to keep their audience engaged. People love to feel included so when you go outta your way to find someone to make them feel like more than just a customer you are most likely building a long relationship that will be beneficial for your business. There are two ways you can go about managing your social media you can always go the route of paying someone or you can go ahead and do it fully yourself. In the end, many feel that it is always best to handle your social media yourself because oftentimes no one will care as much for your business as you do. Another way you would be able to promote your business on social is by posting on multiple platforms by posting on multiple platforms you don't limit your audience you expand it. You reach people who don't have other social media platforms. At the end of the day, it always comes down to how bad you want your business to succeed. 7 Ways to Promote Your Business on Social Media – SAGE Blog


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