Week 12- Too much posting?

Oftentimes times many companies feel that if they need to post on a consistent basis in order to stay relevant with their consumers. They feel that if the consumer is constantly seeing what you're trying to sell they'll eventually give in and purchase the product. The fact of the matter is that is not always true. Often times after seeing something over and over again people begin to grow annoyed and sometimes even angry because they almost feel like the product is being forced down their throat. This ultimately causes the company to miss out on sales due to them over-posting unwanted ads. One example this can compared to is when you are receiving numerous cold calls about a certain product or service that they are trying to sell and you are trying to be nice at first but soon after you begin to receive these calls a numerous amount of times is when you are going to start to be annoyed with the company. According to researchers unless you have a large following with thousands of followers your ads are going to be ignored. The recommended amount to post would be 1-2 times a day as long as you are taking your time in making the post really putting time and effort into, it will go a long way as people will see you take your time to do certain things. 

In the end, you don't always have to be posting to be marketable you just have to make sure the stuff you are putting out is being put out with time and consideration because it will ultimately help legitimize your business.
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