Week13- LinkedIn Ads

 When using LinkedIn you are often connecting with a huge amount of people so the type of businesses that really focus on using LinkedIn are B2B businesses. It is similar to Facebook in the regard that you are swiping down looking at all the news on your page but instead of seeing what your friends did over the weekend you are seeing your work colleagues post about their work instead. Here you'll be seeing people who are work-oriented and are only focused on work. On linkedln businesses are able to see more of insight of the business they are trying to work with or get a service from them. They offer numerous amount of Ad packages from video ads, text ads, event ads, and much more. When looking at the pros we see that B2B businesses thrive more as they are able to generate more businesses for themselves and you also get to deal with a large number of important people. When looking at the cons it is said that it is a lot more expensive to run ad's on here as it is in other places.

In the end, LinkedIn is extremely beneficial for people who are looking for a group of people who only live around work.The Pros And Cons Of Running LinkedIn Ads -


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