
Showing posts from October, 2023

Week 9- Google Ad's

 Google ads is one the most used pay-for-click services out there right now especially for people just starting their business. One of the most commonly used search engines is Google so that is where your advertisement would mainly be showing up. This service allows you to select keywords to put in the search engine so when people search for certain things your business would be one of the main ones to show up. They also carry a variety of format ads whether they are top-of-the-page ads, ads in images, or even in YouTube videos. Pricing is also depending on how much you want to put into the business, you can put in as much or as little as you would like. Google ads are one the main beginner services that are most commonly used when first being introduced to business owners just getting started in pay-for-clicks ads. Pay for clicks ads often help capture your target audience. 

Week 8-Amazon Ad's

 Amazon offers a digital ad service which a lot of people like to call is a pay-for-click, in which essentially the seller only pays when a consumer clicks on their page or advertisement. As we all know online shopping is one of the biggest markets out there so many consumers are out there to be reached. The problem sometimes is how to put it into specific markets. What Amazon ad's comes and does is they put your ads on social media websites and even to streaming platforms they are constantly trying to promote your ad creating more business on your page and leading to more sales. Introducing this to your business allows other people who originally wouldn't have seen your business to see it and it might not always lead to a sale at the moment but it allows you to have your name out there. Amazon ads also allow on where to place your ads you be very selective to make sure you get the target audience they're looking for. Another important factor that I feel like gets overlooke

Week 7- How to promote your business on Social Media.

 In today's day and age, we are constantly using social media it has become a part of our lives. As many before would wake up and read the newspaper many of us do the same now only we're not reading the newspaper we are just our social media apps for our news now. A lot of today's world is using Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, etc every single day so the question many business owners have is how they go about promoting their business online. Since a lot of people are spending a good amount of their day on apps like that they are usually the perfect place to promote your business. Generally, many businesses will promote their business by posting it on a social media account specifically made for it. What a lot of places will do is they'll run giveaways and have the app users repost what they posted in order to enter the giveaway. By doing this a lot of businesses are creating engagement with their business account because by having your current followers repost y

Week 6- Skills to help you learn everything

 As we tend to get older we often get stuck in a lot of our ways and are often shy or scared to try new things. The fact of the matter is no matter your age you are never too old to learn how to do anything. As the world continues to evolve so do you as a person as every day you are discovering new things about simply anything! Sometimes we see someone do something and we naturally think it simply just comes to them but often times to perfect a certain skill they often put in hours and hours on end of practice. The fact of the matter is that oftentimes we only learn as much as we want. In some instances, we have certain people who are simply excelling in certain skills but it would be due to the environment they are around. Research from the article "New cognition research shows gaining knowledge and achieving mastery comes down to the rule of 7" shows that people who continue to apply themselves and continue to try to get better at something ultimately do. The research shows

Week 6-Effects of AI in online social media businesses

 With AI being around it is starting to become a lot more common that it is being used. A lot of times businesses now will use AI to help them with the social media aspect of their business. As trends are consistently changing, it is often difficult to keep up with many new changes in the social media world. With businesses now using AI a lot of the time, they'll use it to help them create certain content ideas. By using AI these businesses are also saving a lot of time they would have otherwise wasted sitting around trying to come up with the perfect idea that would work for them, with the use of AI they are now able to type a few words and get a multitude of ideas they could potentially use. What experts are beginning to see as well as that many people are already creative within their selves and are often just using the ideas that AI gives them and ultimately end up creating something on their own. While we see many positives on the effects of AI in online social media businesse

Week 5- Digital Marketing

We live in a digital era, everything nowadays is posted online in some way shape, or form. If you want people to see what you're doing you are most likely going to post it online. Digital Marketing has jobs all over the place since every company now is trying to maximize their opportunities by gaining an online audience. Many companies have entry-level positions where you are able to get your start in your career. As a digital marketer like many other jobs, it is your responsibility to stay up to date with all of the trends that are going on. One of the many challenges in digital marketing is the constant change in trends people are often liking new and different things and it is your responsibility to know what they all are. Another challenge you face in digital marketing is that you have to learn and adapt to new things really fast. Some people who struggle to get in tune with new things are often the ones who struggle the most as they tend to fall behind. Digital marketing is al

Week 5- Importance in brand image.

 In today's day and age whether we like it or not people always tend to judge you right away based on your first impression. When looking for a job, how you carry yourself online can significantly impact whether a company brings you on board within their company. Often times many companies feel that the people they hire are a representation of the company. Your online image is used as a pre-evaluation they often wanna see what it is you're posting and to know if you are right for their company image. Oftentimes times when companies bring people who don't always fit what they're looking for it begins to have a negative impact on everyone not just the company. When building an online brand it is important you are constantly updating with relevant information about yourself. Also when posting online it is important you don't post things online that you wouldn't want potential employers to look at. Often times people think that recruiters aren't looking at socia