
Week 16-TikTok for business

 TikTok for Business is still completely new with it only starting to be available up until 2020. Due to it being still fairly new, many experts feel that there are more changes to come only making the app for advertisers better. According to experts 70% of users ages 10-39. You are mainly dealing with a younger audience on TikTok. The reason TikTok is so big is how easy it is to go viral a lot of the time you can post a video at the right time and you can almost go viral overnight. They also say that it is similar to Facebook considering it to be really user-friendly and easy to navigate. The cost to promote ads can run be pretty expensive due to you having to have a 50-dollar minimum daily. So in order to run ads on tik tok you are going to have a big pretty big marketing budget.  It is also extremely easy to be overlooked on the app if your content doesn't fit what people are trying to see. As stated before you have to be trying to reach a younger audience because that's the

Week 15- Instagram Ads

 When working with Instagram ads you tend to focus more on the visual aspect as people are seeing what it is you are posting. Facebook owns Instagram so a lot of the ads you run through Instagram will go through Facebook as well giving you more chances to be seen as it is being run through both apps. The difference we see between Facebook ads and Instagram ads is that on Instagram people are more inclined to follow someone they aren't too familiar with as apart from Facebook when you just have friends and family added. A lot of the time when you have a really well-put-together ad you can catch the attention of the consumer in a more natural way than making it seem like any other typical ad. One of the pros to using Instagram ads is that when a consumer is watching a story the ad will show up on the entire screen as if it was a story as well. One of the downsides to using Instagram ads is if your ad doesn't stand out or have some sort of eye-catching message it will fall victim

Week 14- Twitter ads

There are around 528 million Twitter users with an audience that big how do they manage to advertise. Twitter has target and keyword capabilities that only help their ad users more. This helps you show up as people scroll on the app. Twitter is like many other advertising platforms in regards that there is no minimum or maximum so you are free to spend as much or as little as you'd like. A few of the downsides to having your ads on Twitter is that the app becomes often time congested with too many things which it makes hard for your ad to stand out. One of the positives is that you're able to target keywords within your audience. Another thing to say is that conversation rates are often inaccurate because of the amount of users on the app.  In conclusion, Twitter leans towards offering you the service of searching with intent as well as focusing on the clients you are trying to appeal to. 

Week13- LinkedIn Ads

 When using LinkedIn you are often connecting with a huge amount of people so the type of businesses that really focus on using LinkedIn are B2B businesses. It is similar to Facebook in the regard that you are swiping down looking at all the news on your page but instead of seeing what your friends did over the weekend you are seeing your work colleagues post about their work instead. Here you'll be seeing people who are work-oriented and are only focused on work. On linkedln businesses are able to see more of insight of the business they are trying to work with or get a service from them. They offer numerous amount of Ad packages from video ads, text ads, event ads, and much more. When looking at the pros we see that B2B businesses thrive more as they are able to generate more businesses for themselves and you also get to deal with a large number of important people. When looking at the cons it is said that it is a lot more expensive to run ad's on here as it is in other place

Week 12- Too much posting?

Oftentimes times many companies feel that if they need to post on a consistent basis in order to stay relevant with their consumers. They feel that if the consumer is constantly seeing what you're trying to sell they'll eventually give in and purchase the product. The fact of the matter is that is not always true. Often times after seeing something over and over again people begin to grow annoyed and sometimes even angry because they almost feel like the product is being forced down their throat. This ultimately causes the company to miss out on sales due to them over-posting unwanted ads. One example this can compared to is when you are receiving numerous cold calls about a certain product or service that they are trying to sell and you are trying to be nice at first but soon after you begin to receive these calls a numerous amount of times is when you are going to start to be annoyed with the company. According to researchers unless you have a large following with thousands o

Week 11- Importance of Facebook Ad's

Facebook has recently changed their name to meta but that has not slowed them down in the advertising market. Facebook is very similar to Google ads as it targets keywords. They are focusing on putting products and things that they like on the user's page to advertise something completely random they are now putting things of interest.  Facebook keeps a close eye on the people you interact with and follow online so that they begin to get a sense of what it is you like. The ages we see on Facebook are slightly older than our other ones with other advertising sites as researchers state that males between 24 and 35 are the main ones on Facebook. You can see on places like Facebook market how a lot of the time you'll see more things you like that are simply based on Facebook keeping track of what you've searched before and giving you things that you might like. Another disadvantage is if your ad begins to bother the consumer from seeing it so much they can simply choose the opt

Week 10- The impact of Youtube Ad's

  The impact businesses are having using YouTube ads has been increasingly tremendous, especially for the ones who are targeting a younger demographic. When looking at age researchers say that 77% of people who range from the age of 15 to 25 are the ones on the app constantly on it. This automatically just doesn't mean that YouTube is for younger people it just shows they are the ones spending more time on it. They offer numerous amount of ads you can choose from instream ads which are skippable and non-skippable, number ads, masthead ads, and out-stream ads. On top of all of that, the pricing is similar to many others of the pay-per-click as it is mainly you get what you put in it. If you are spending a lot of money trying to market your business and ads. Even though they are owned by Google they have implemented numerous amount of changes one of the biggest being keyword usage often times when a certain word is used that will most likely set your ad to be shown up on the screen h